31 August 2008

Now Hair This

If you have hair, there is a good chance that you don't like it. If it is curly, you want it straight. If it is straight, you want it curly. If you are a brunette, you want to be a blond, and if you are a blond, you want dark, exotic tresses. Whole aisles of supermarkets and department stores are devoted to potions, lotions, and equipment to allow you to blow, dye, twist, perm, straighten, clean and rinse.

Back in the earliest days of my childhood, I remember two instruments of torture. One for perming and another for curling. The first as shown above was an electrical system to provide heat to hair treated with solution and being fried into curls. The second were curling irons that were heated on the stove and applied to straight hair to make ringlets. If you think brushing through tangles made a child scream, you should have heard the bellows when the curling iron was too hot.

One of the most interesting historical sites on the web is the Marine Maritime Museum This link will take you to some of the exhibits about hair and the irons, hair products, and souvenirs from around the world that were used or brought home by the men on the great sailing ships.


anthonynorth said...

I've always considered there was a close association with hairdressing and torture.

maryt/theteach said...

Got curious as to what you posted on iron, Jamie! Great post! I just missed that period in women's hair torture. I get my hair died with highlights these days and that a torture all by itself! :(

Travis Cody said...

I've never understood this need to torture oneself in such a way. I like my short, straight, graying hair just fine.

But then, I'm a guy.

TopChamp said...

I straightened mine yesterday. Those things look painful though!!

Marilyn said...

I think I'll just leave my hair the way it is... The things we do for beauty!

Your Pal Pinki said...

It's painful to be cute. : )

Linda said...

Now that just looks downright painful as well as like some ancient form of torture much akin to the rack! I'm good with my straight hair, thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

I confess I had never seen the contraption in the first picture. My grandmother had a beauty shop back in the twenties, and I do remember the curling irons. In fact, I think I have a set around here somewhere. Maybe we should just shave our heads and get wigs?