07 March 2008

You Light Up My Life

Mary The Teach at Work of the Poet has presented me with a lovely award.

First I just love the image she chose. You can't help but smile and then since she knows me so well, she knew the wheels would start turning. Now I will spare you Debbie Boone singing "You Light Up My Life", but the composer who wrote it, wrote another song about the love that got away that you hope against hope just might turn up again some day. It comes from a movie of the same name, If Ever I See You Again. The tagline to try to bring folks to the theater, "Call someone you loved and lost a long time ago and ask them to see a movie. Maybe it's not too late."

This has to go into the "chick flick of all time file" of pure schmaltz and you don't care because at the end, you go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. So be sentimental and click on "Play".

1 comment:

maryt/theteach said...

Jamie, I've been having trouble with my cable signal so videos play erratically. I will return to look at this one. But thanks for posting about the award. I'm glad you appreciate it! Also I have to wait to hear Sean Connery sing in DArby O'Gill...thanks for reminding me! :D