07 May 2007

Manic Monday - How To Survive

I wrote this before the events in Greenburg, Kansas. Therefore, how to survive becomes even more immediate. In addition to the individual survival materials below, I will add some info about community food banks and survival preparation. Here is the official FEMA instructions for geographic regions and community plans: FEMA.

Awhile back I posted a bit of trivia regarding the aftermath of the Great San Francisco Eathquake. Someday that quake will repeat. If you live in another geography consider flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, massive power failure, stranded in the snow or even terrorist attack. How do you plan so that you and your family will survive?

If you have the storage space, put away 15 gallons of water per person and non - perishable food for a minimum of three days, a month is even better if you have the space, (then rotate this so that the oldest is at the front). This might end up under water or earth, so you will still need to survive. Therefore load your car as follows:

General Items
Braided nylon rope (25 feet)
Matches (2 boxes)
Fire Starter
Poncho (bright orange to attract attention)
Toilet paper
Candle (wrapped in aluminum foil)
Paper and pencil
Fishing line, hooks, split shot leads
Money (2 nickels, 2 dimes, 2 quarters, $20 bill: helpful for making phone call or paying for gas if broken down along highway)
Garbage Bags (2 large size bags)
Bright orange surveyor's tape

Repair Kit
Sewing kit
Dental floss (It's strong and useful as thread for sewing, or a fishing line or for lashing branches for improvised shelters.)
Safety pins
Wire (bailing wire)

First Aid Kit (Also see Lightweight First Aid Kit)
Sterile pads (2 x 2 and 4 x 4)
Sterile Gauze
First Aid Tape

Honey Packages (available in small foil packages available at convenience stores)
Instant Soup or tea (a couple packages)
Again if you have space consider a few pop top cans of stew/chili

Folding saw
Compass (learn how to use)
Hard Candy

Carrying container
Coffee Can (1 lb size) or nylon stuff bag

All contents except the plastic bags and the optional items will fit in a 1 lb coffee can. (Or you can flat "Spam" cans or oval-shaped containers available at outdoor stores.) The plastic bags can be affixed to the outside of the can with a rubber band. To keep things from rattling in the can, wad up some wax paper and stuff it around the items. The wax paper stays dry and also doubles as a fire starter. To save weight the contents can be placed in a stuff bag and a metal cup can be used instead of the coffee can.

The State with probably the single best emergency preparation for citizens is Utah. Again because of religious dictates, they prepare for six months of survival. For items included in home preparation kits, refer to Relief Society Emergency Preparedness


Anonymous said...

Great and VERY HELPFUL information!! I love the waxed paper idea.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Wow, such great information. I need to print out this post and take it with me to Wal-Mart to grab all of the supplies.
Thanks for the great info.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wow that's alot of stuff! are you sure we won't need a trailer to tow behind to carry it all? ha ha ha

good post!

smiles, bee

Barb said...

Great list to have. We never know when we might need those things.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what I need to do. Here in Wellington NZ, the city is built on top of multiple active fault lines. The last big quake (over 8) in the 1800's wipes the town off the map...

I do have the bottled water though... enough for 2 people for 3 days.

Thanks... REALLY useful stuff.

Be Prepared!

Ingrid said...

Fortunately I live in an area where all these catastrophes are rather improbable. So besides plaster, aspirine, and something for stomac and the rest is more than enough ! But unfortunately not everybody is as lucky as me.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome post!!

We used to live right on the ocean, and got the scare of our lives two years ago when a tsunami warning was issued! Luckily it passed without incident, but I sure was glad I had an emergency kit all prepared!

And guess who left the kit at home when she and the kids headed for higher ground?? Duh me!

Great reminder :-)

Durward Discussion said...

If you look through the list, you will see that there are different stages from the minimal package for your car in case you get snowed in somewhere to the ability to live for six months if everything goes kaflooie. Pick the level that works for your family.

Sarge Charlie said...

thanks for stopping by and leaving a very kind comment

Lizza said...

Wow! Very useful information. Let's hope situations necessitating the use of survival packs don't arise. But it's good to be prepared.

Mags said...

This is something I really should do too-and the honey packets-what a great idea!

Claire said...

The lists are great, something that i could incorporate into my hiking bag and when i go traveling.
I don't think the folding saw would get through airport security but the rest should be cool.

Lisa Ryan said...

Thanks for all the great lists and tips. good information!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Very good post, Jamie. Things everyone should be aware of. Way to go!

Everyone's invited over to my blog. Hope to see you there.

Imma Survivor

Anonymous said...

Dang. All that? That might cut down on the emergency beer stash.

I'll have to think this over now.

Good post.

Later Y'all

Travis Cody said...

Outstanding post. This is all good information.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating list; no duck tape on it. What's with orange surveyor's tape? Also have to remember a pet evacuation kit, since they're family members too and need their own water supply.