27 May 2007

Woodland Adventures In Red

Sam The Sham did his version of Little Red Riding Hood and then Steven Sondheim came along in Into the Woods and did his. Both gentlemen warned girls of taking advantage of interesting invitations.

And the natural conclusion of what happens when little girls in red are tempted to enter the woods by big bad wolves.

- I Know Things Now Lyrics

Found It!!! The I Know Things Now clip

Mother said,
"Straight ahead,"
Not to delay
or be misled.
I should have heeded
Her advice...
But he seemed so nice.

And he showed me things
Many beautiful things,
That I hadn't thought to explore.
They were off my path,
So I never had dared.
I had been so careful,
I never had cared.
And he made me feel excited-
Well, excited and scared.

And I know things now,
Many valuable things,
That I hadn't known before:
Do not put your faith
In a cape and a hood,
They will not protect you
The way that they should.
And take extra care with strangers,
Even flowers have their dangers.
And though scary is exciting,
Nice is different than good.

Now I know:
Don't be scared.
Granny is right,
Just be prepared.

Isn't it nice to know a lot!
And a little bit not...


Ingrid said...

And see what almost happened to little Red Riding Hood !

Anonymous said...

great take on the theme. Have a wonderful Monday!

Crazy Working Mom said...

What a great choice for today's theme! :)

Have a great Monday.

Travis Cody said...

Loved the clip from the play. I didn't get a chance to see it live, but watched it on PBS. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

thanks for bringing back the memory of my kindergarten days when i first known little red riding hood.

Shaz said...

Excellent take on Red, I'd hadn't gievn Little RED Riding hood a thought . . lol Happy MANIC MONDAY X X X X X

Unknown said...

Perfect choice, Jamie - love the YouTube-clips, too.

Sanni from Germany (where "The Little Red Riding Hood" is called "Rotkaeppchen" [like "Red Cappy"])

Unknown said...

Jamie --> Well done. Little Red Riding Hood was always a curiousity to me ... wandering the woods and such. Great take on the MM theme for today. Anyhow, have a wonderful Memorial Day!

peace, Villager

Lizza said...

Little Red Riding Hood, fantastic idea for MM. I love fairy tales, and this take on a classic is very interesting. I'll be back to watch the clips. Have a great week!

Schmoop said...

Thanks for the comment on my site this morning Jamie, aand my what big eyes you have. Cheers!!

Stine said...

Haven't we all been that little girl in red at some point...
Thanks for the visit.
Great new look!

the Book of Keira said...

Great post for Red!

I love those creepy, old tales...

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Great "red" post, Jamie.

I'm a bit late getting my MM post up, but it's there now and you are invited on over to have a look...

crpitt said...

Another thing i didn't think of! Great MM :)