To see more Peace Globes, go to MiMi Writes, the Dona Nobis Pacem center.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;
St. Francis of Assisi
Words...If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little." Tom Stoppard
vrede Waki Qiwebis Khanaghutyun Bak pakoj ashanti Spokoj peoc'h Nyeinjanyei Pau nanomonsetôtse Tsumukikiatu Wetaskiwin Lap mir Sulh Hetep peace paco rahu Solh Rauha paix Fon Fifa fred sochaint sochin der friede Irini py'guapy malu Shalom Shanti kev sib haum xeeb béke Friur damai Tutkium pace Heiwa Rukun Soksang Peoning Hwa Kurdish Wolakota Santiphap pax taika paci rongo Enh Nahuatl tlamatcanemiliztli fred pokoj paz sérë pace pasch Wookeyeh paz Amani kapayapaan Amaithi Santiphap Sidi Baris amn salaam Hoa Binh Heddwch Sholem Alaafia uxolo Layeni Ukuthula
If you have never read or heard Mark Twain's The War Prayer, do take the time to read the link or click on the site below and hear one of the most powerful pieces ever written about the true nature of war.
Beautiful post Jamie, I'm listening to the War Prayer now. Peace to you, today and always.
Peace :-)
I love the prayer of St Francis!
Very good Jamie. St. Francis had a good thought there didn't he?
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Ps. 34:14
Peace and Love from the
"Make love not war generation"
I'll give you one more Peace Around the World - it's in Czech:
"Mir celemu svetu".
Have a peaceful day and let love rule! :o)
Jamie, I love St. Francis's prayer and your quote by Tom Stoppard. Happy Peace Day! I say it with you: PEACE.
The quote you put in your comment is so perfect. Together we say peace.
Peace and blessings on you today and everyday.
Here's to our larger voice being heard.
Peace to you. And thanks for sharing the prayer (from our city's patron saint).
excellent post my friend, I had never seen the video, great. My wish for you is peace in your lifetime, I would love to see peace in mine, they better hurry up.
Wishing you, me, all of us, peace.
I'm in a Saint Francis frame of mind, too, today. I've always taken those words to heart, ever since I was a child. It's definitely possible to spread little ripples of peace and joy every day.
A wonderful piece by Mark Twain - I'd never read it before. Thanks for posting it. Peace to you on this hopeful day.
This is the second blog that I've seen today that has posted St. Francis' prayer...
Thank you, it truly sings to me.
We CAN have peace... with LOVE.
Dona Nobis Pacem
Absolutely beautiful....the video and the prayer brought tears to my eyes.
I went back and added Mr. Linky to my post. It is my first time to use this option.
But, I do so want to share and spread the links to everyone that is taking part in this glorious day for world peace!!
Dona Nobis Pacem!!
I love the song Jamie. I didn't even think of this one. Peace to you and yours my friend. Big hug. :)
I also love the prayer of St. Francis, Jamie.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
May you have a wonderful Blogblast for Peace day today.
Love and Peace to you and yours, Jamie - I love your post... very well done as usual :)
Beautiful, prayerful post. Thank you, Jamie. Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog, too.
A beautiful post and I just love the words on your Peace Globe.
Peace to your and yours friend.
Thank you for sharing the War Prayer. What a wonderful tale with an important message. I was unfamiliar with it.
~Peace to you and your family~
Great to see you on board and what a nice Globe!
Mine is up too :-)
Hello from Norway - peace to you and the one you love!
i love the St. Francis prayer. Peace with you. & happy WW. hope we will have it all.This PEACE we all seek for.
Beautiful globe and wonderful song..
Peace to you and yours!!
I saw this quote yesterday and thought it was very appropriate and perfect for a Peace Globe - glad to see that you thought so, too!
Peace to you and yours not just today but for always!
The prayer of St. Francis continues:
...grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned...
If the world could only adopt this prayer as the directions for a lasting peace, we would be so much closer to a peaceful reality.
People want peace. No rational mind wants to suffer, or inflict suffering on others.
Peace to you and yours on this Blog Blast Day!
What a beautiful globe, and I love your post. Peace to you and yours!
Pax Vobiscum!
Beautiful globe and thanks for your message of peace to the world.
Peace be unto you and all of us
I didn't know this song was the origin of the quote I ahd on my peace globe.
Beautiful song /prayer.
My Peace Post
Every so often we need pray of St Francis of Assisi including my self.
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for sharing these vey true and profound thoughts.
Peace be with you and with all that visit your blog.
Loved your globe and post -and that was an absolutely stunning rendition of one of the most beautiful songs ever composed!
Peace - now and always.
Excellent! Thank you!
Dona Nobis Pacem!
I enjoyed visiting and reading again. This globe appears as #828 in the gallery.
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