03 April 2008

Making A Difference

If you are not involved in this charity, please take the time to become aquainted with its mission. KIVA makes micro loans that allows those in poverty to start small businesses to change their circumstances. You pick the person and the project. When the money is repaid into your account, you turn it around to help a new project.

What makes it such a wonderful project is that even the smallest amount can change a life. Give a child a KIVA certificate and let them go on line to see how "their" business is doing. It is a wonderful way to make a commitment to improving the world. The life stories about the people and countries are fascinating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie: am so thrilled you linked to this on your blog. It's a marvelous organization and makes such a difference. Just a thrill to be able to make such a big difference, person to person, in such a convenient and targeted manner.

Have been giving my nephews kiva gift certificates for a while now.

Thanks again!

In honor of Dr. King: would be wonderful if we had a similar program stateside to fund education and entrepreneurial efforts of young blacks in disadvantaged communities.

Best wishes and TGIF,
dog's eye view