23 April 2008

Sweet Nothings

Hive collapse is among the most troubling aspects of environmental damage. For still unknown reasons though a fungus is suspected, a hive will suddenly lose it's bees as if they no longer knew where to go or what to do. This quite naturally leads to the death of the hive.

When you consider all of the growing things that are pollinated by bees, it doesn't take you long to see the danger in this phenomenon. Scientists are feverishly at work trying to come up with both cause and cure. To assist them Hagen Daz ice cream is donating a portion of their sales of "bee dependent" flavors to this cause. For more information click on "Imagine A World Without Bees" above.


Mo and The Purries said...

Did someone say Ice Cream?!?!

I'll BEE supporting this cause!

RebelliousRenee said...

I scream..... you scream..... we all scream....


yeah..... and I want my strawberries too!

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks Jamie, like Mo I'll bee supporting this cause! :D

Anonymous said...

jamie, will plant flowers and light candles....thank you

Travis Cody said...

This has got to be one of the easiest contributions to protecting our environment...all we have to do is eat ice cream!