23 July 2007

Gone With The Wind

Mo's done it again! He's come up with a word with a thousand different ways to go, so I will simply follow the first ideas that went tumbling across my brain. The first record I ever bought with my own money was Gogi Grant singing "The Wayward Wind". Until I looked it up, I didn't realize just how popular that song was in terms of immediate sales.

Then I thought of Ansel Adams capturing the power of wind with his photograph of the Jeffrey Pine.

Ansel Adams, Wind Shaped Jeffrey Pine

Next came a truly over the top soap opera of a motion picture with a great theme song: Written on the Wind which you really should rent simply because it is about as sexy as the 50s got and has a lot of truly good actors wildly emoting.

All this brought me to a silly parlor game some friends and I used to play. The host (Mo?) throws out a word and then the guests must produce the title of a book, play, song, or musical using the key word without repeating anyone ahead of them.

So here you go. The word is "Wind". In writing this article I have wiped out "The Wayward Wind", Wind Shaped Jeffrey Pine, "Written On The Wind", and the song that follows from "Paint Your Wagon" ... "They Call The Wind Mariah".

As you comment, leave behind a "Wind" reference that hasn't been mentioned by those ahead of you. There will be prizes.


Linda said...

"Can't You Hear the Wind Howl", Jamie? If you can, perhaps the answer to this post "Is Blowing in the Wind". For now though, there is "A Mighty Wind" brewing so I am "Gone With the Wind"!

Sorry for being so long-winded on this comment! This was fun, though, I may have to blow back by and see what your other commenters leave!

Travis Cody said...

Great post.

When I lived in SoCal, one of the most frightening things during fire season was keeping an eye on the Santa Ana Winds. If they shifted, they could spare one community while dooming another.

Happy MM! Mine will be up later.

Anonymous said...

How about "Gone With The Wind?" I love the Ansel Adams photograph!! Happy MM.

Anonymous said...

The wind that hit me was WIND IN THE WILLOWS by Kenneth Grahame. Actually, I don't remember ever reading it. I do remember hearing that title walk thru my mind as I rested (in my very young summer years) under the willow tree in a neighbor's yard. The title sang to me... perhaps I will visit the library tomorrow and check out that book.

Unknown said...

The Ansel Adams photo was excellent! Thank you for sharing this creative information!

peace, Villager

Sandee said...

Between you and the Villager I get a wonderful history lessen every MM. Have a great MM Jamie. :)

Ingrid said...

Only "gone with the wind" is missing !

Janna said...

I love the Ansel Adams photograph.

And I'm also thinking of the song "Dust In The Wind"...

Anonymous said...

Sooooo, are you advocating wind power with those big old turbines on the sides of mountains???


Anonymous said...

great post and interpretation of the wind theme.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

The Adams pic is one of my all time favorites. A reminder that if we don't bend, we break.

Anonymous said...

I forgot about that Gogi Grant wind song...HOw clever!

Schmoop said...

There is nothing as relaxing than listening to Donovan singing "Catch the Wind", although "Colours" is a close second. Cheers Jamie!!

Mo and The Purries said...

I, too, am fond of Ansel Adams' photographs.
One of the first plays I ever saw as a child was "Wind in the Willows".

Happy MM!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo of the wind shaped tree! Great post as well :-)

Happy MM!

enigma4ever said...

This is such a wonderful post....sigh...BTW you are in my Monday Roundup...

Linda said...

Hi Jamie - I blew back in to tell you I gave you an award over on my blog. Next time you breeze by I hope you can collect it!

I give it to you out of sheer admiration for your blog!

Mary said...

In my MM post I mentioned the song Color of the Wind in the Disney movie Pocahontas ;)

That picture of the tree is gorgeous, I've always loved Ansel Adams.

AND Paint your wagon was one of my step dad's favorite movies so The Wind They Call Mariah brings back fond memories... plus the song is beautiful. Great post, happy MM!