03 June 2007

Far Away Places

I think I first heard the song below when I was about five years old. By that time I had already lived in Los Angeles, CA; Oakland, CA; Walla Walla, WA; Fresno, CA; Westchester, CA; and Boulder City, NV. That was just the start of the itchy feet that always need to be scratched. It involved 21 schools in 12 years followed by forty years of gadding about to the extent that it is now almost impossible to stay put.


There isn't anywhere I wouldn't go
With one suitcase and a smile
Everything left behind
If you don't mind those
Who don't understand
that where can be more important than when

Airports are fun enroute to new
adventures where you are sure
something waits
just beyond passports and exit gates
You can pursue changes
Rearrange your life
Into something different.

Two years in one place is too long
Let me be somewhere I've never seen
Or wage a war against boredom
Pack a case and leave home
Kiss old loves goodbye in order to claim
Houses my soul has never been

Outside the door grab a cab
Off to somewhere never known
A where there over the rise
A place my eyes have not looked upon
The past gone and clean
Wiped away by never been.

I'll be back. I promise
When least expected. I'll return
The earth is round you know.
I'll come again memories stowed
But it may be when you
No longer want me around.
So I'll just leave town.


Travis Cody said...

I haven't moved around as much as you - a lot of my moves were to different apartments or houses within the same towns.

I'm in a place now where I'm hoping to put down some roots. But there's no guarantee at all. The urge to pick up and find someplace else is always lurking.

Durward Discussion said...

I have what I hope is a permanent "home base" now, but the habit is so strong that I told my son the other day that I pointed the car at safeway and it almost kept going across the nation. :-)