When you investigate your family history, a few oddities are bound to turn up, particularly when you happen to wander down some side street of a collateral line (any line related to your direct one). My son in law was born in Massachusetts and while working on his lineage, I came across the name "Borden". Naturally this had me humming "You Can't Chop Your Papa Up In Massachusetts". As it turned out he was directly related to an uncle of sweet Lizzie. Now on my daughter's side we have Howards which quite naturally turned up a vague connection to Anne Boleyn.
Can a marriage between a relative of a purported murderess and a relative of someone minus their cranium succeed? Well it has done fairly well for over 25 years, but I'm keeping my eye on them.
You Can't Chop Your Papa Up In Massachusetts
With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm
Black and white photo; first thought: another valiant Sooner relative with inspiring life story. And then: it is a Lizzie Borden anniversary. Amazing she's such a recognizeable image.
BUT nothing will get me to click on the "Chop Papa" song. Another musical video. Shades of pink and purple.
Still suffering from my prolonged exposure to "Barnum" earlier this week.
Nice try, Durward!
Oh, my! What a "match." I assume they are able to keep their marriage together because they both keep their heads? Or, maybe they both have a good sense of humor and cut up a lot? I don't know...I was trying for "punny" and it was "puny." Sorry. I've had too much coffee this morning.
Very interesting lineages indeed.
I have a few skeletons in the family closet too. As the Crash Test Dummies sang "Sometimes i shake their boney hands" when doing genealogy, which i don't do enough of. Mine weren't famous, but both of them did something bad, bad, bad....so bad i wouldnt post it here.
Steve, Everybody's family has one of those. If they deny it, they weren't looking hard enough!
that's quite a combo!
I enjoyed the Lizzie Borden video!
Manic Monday
What an interesting combination....ohmy...great videos....
I must take exception to the tune "You Can't Cut Your Father Up In Massachusetts" as that's apparently exactly what she did and got away with it, too!
I'm going to have to get over to Fall River and check out the Lizzie Borden house one of these days. I believe it's a bed & breakfast now but I'm not so sure I'd want to spend the night as Ghost Hunters on TLC have proven the place not to be haunted. If I'm going to pay good money to stay at someplace with a reputation like that, I expect the place to be haunted!
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