For my birthday my loving son gave me a new computer to replace the aged and decrepit over five year old one I had. This was a wonderful thing. Unfortunately it came with an atrocious abortion of a program from Microsoft called VISTA. The Office Suite was a thing of beauty and efficiency. So what should be done with them: Eliminate them of course!!!!!!!!!!!! Why let you have .doc when they can give you .wps that won't accept any of your old documents and doesn't work as easily.
Just to add insult to injury: After making all the document files unusable, they destroyed my ability to relax with all my old games that are no longer compatible. So what if I have hundreds of dollars invested in them. Well that is just too bad.
Should someone try to foist this piece of crud off on you, immediately run screaming for the hills even if they offer to pay you to take it. It is not worth your medical condition or sanity to go anywhere near the aggravation and expense.
Now maybe it would be bearable if Microsoft was willing to help you. Big fat laugh. They will gladly charge you for the privilege of speaking to a human being no matter how simple your question or they will direct you to their forums where thousands gather in frustration trying to sooth and support each other, but actually help either in writing or person in some language semi approaching English - HAH!!!
One of these days, they may claim to have fixed the bugs, incompatibilities, and non working meshes with other programs. Should they claim to do so, approach very gingerly with a club to beat the computer to smithereens should they be lying. It will save you from the high blood pressure that could kill you.

I'm having my own evil thoughts about Microsoft these days. My condo is just down the street from the complex, and lucky me I have to fight that traffic just to get to my home!
I live 3 minutes from work and it takes me 10 minutes to get through traffic into my complex drive.
I thought all these people were "green". Why are they all driving SUV's? And further, why are they alone in their vehicles? What about car pooling?
There is a fix for the Office Suite and also for the compatibility issues, but like me who repairs the pc's at my job you need to be Microsoft Certified to work with the operating system.
Brian's the guy that would probably be the best one to get help from. I have XP Professional on my box at work and from what I understand after December 31st you won't be able to even buy a computer with XP on it. They'll all be Vista.
God Bless.
I almost broke down and ordered my laptop with Linux on it. I still might get it on my next one.
Just remember: open source is the REAL future, despite what Micro$oft will tell you.
I plan to just live with it in its current "I've made it work while hating it" condition until I can buy an Apple.
well.... I LOVE my new Mac....
remember when Fritz gave us that cartoon and said it looked like Chris Matthews.....LOL!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hope you and Mac will be very happy together...
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