The following was written about my best friend 20 years ago. We are doing exactly what the last line says.
Sarah says we came from the same sandbox where we learned to giggle better than everyone. We actually met in our late 20s and now at 40 plus giggle we do in shops and restaurants, comparing notes on what has passed since our last meeting.
It's obvious we are friends with an arm around a waist, fingers pointing at some object in a window as we commiserate or make obscene jokes at some man's expense. "Did I really do that?", we ask, or "What do you think?" "Will this work?" We wink at each other as things are tried on for effect, personalities and clothes rejected into piles.
We are sometimes competitors for affection, but woman wiles win every time - us against them our defense against rejection. We've never fought, Sarah and I. Our time together is too precious and can't be bought simply by being in love with a man. "Is this the one?" "Can this son of (euphamism: one of them) take you away even when I warn and disapprove?"
Of course he can. A man is better than a friend until it's 2 a.m. and it's all gone wrong, and you need to sing the blues. I've heard Sarah's song and she's heard mine when we've been stupid or just have regrets. We've loved and hated the same men, shared secrets Eve wouldn't want bared to her empty world, much less our crowded one.
Sarah says we came from the same sandbox where we learned to giggle better than everyone. We actually met in our late 20s and now at 40 plus giggle we do in shops and restaurants, comparing notes on what has passed since our last meeting.
It's obvious we are friends with an arm around a waist, fingers pointing at some object in a window as we commiserate or make obscene jokes at some man's expense. "Did I really do that?", we ask, or "What do you think?" "Will this work?" We wink at each other as things are tried on for effect, personalities and clothes rejected into piles.
We are sometimes competitors for affection, but woman wiles win every time - us against them our defense against rejection. We've never fought, Sarah and I. Our time together is too precious and can't be bought simply by being in love with a man. "Is this the one?" "Can this son of (euphamism: one of them) take you away even when I warn and disapprove?"
Of course he can. A man is better than a friend until it's 2 a.m. and it's all gone wrong, and you need to sing the blues. I've heard Sarah's song and she's heard mine when we've been stupid or just have regrets. We've loved and hated the same men, shared secrets Eve wouldn't want bared to her empty world, much less our crowded one.
If I ever get a tattoo, Sarah will know where before my lover does. We will laugh and toast the crime - abettors raising glasses to whims and our wonderful selves. She believes in me and I in her. We can be raucous or demure as suits our mood, and we change suits often as our mascara runs in sympathy over small and large events.
I can see us several years hence in our comfortable shoes, still giggling and being young because we came from the same sandbox.
Nice post, Jamie. I hope to have friends that hang around with me as long as Sarah has for you. :)
My oldest school friendship has lastest 33 years, mt dearest friendship has lastest 10 years, my partner is my soul mate but none come up to to scratsh compared to my Pops. Thank you for sharing. I think this may be a Monday full of tears of friendship x x x
The same sandbox...I like that.
I'm sure it's wonderful to have friends who know you so well.
what a wonderful post!! it is wonderful to have a friend like that. Happy Manic Monday.
Now that's frindship. Great post and love the song too. Happy MM. :)
Awesome Jamie just awesome love the song..
I have exactly 3 friends like that, but one lives far away.
Lovely Jamie--I have some friends like this I've known for more than 20 years and I have some friends like this I've met in the last couple of years. It's a wonderful thing to recognize a kindred spirit.
I had a very close friend like for decades but sadly that seems to have ended. We drifted apart as we grew into middle age and he choose a much different direction than me.
I have no regrets and keep good memories.
Nice post Jamie...
"My friends are my estate."
- Emily Dickinson
What a touching post, Jamie. You and she are blessed to have each other.
If we have just one friend like that in our life, we are blessed. Very good post, Jamie. Lucky you.
What an excellent choice of song!
Your Sarah is definitely my Cyndi and I think that we have both been richly blessed by having these incredible people in our lives.
I love your reference to the sandbox, too!
My best friend and I have been buds for 34 years and it's one of the most wonderful things in my life. Thanks for sharing your friendship with Sarah. You sound like fun!
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